This was a project from my Intermediate Typography class of junior year where we had to make and break the grid using a list of information. I chose a list on how to get a girlfriend and had to capture the emotions one might feel if someone were reading this list. I used my skills in typography, color, and Indesign to finish this project.
PosterĀ On Gird
The first poster is set on a grid and therefore all of the elements in the design are aligned to it. I chose a mix of rigid and organic shapes to make the composition feel awkward yet structured as trying to talk to a girl can be uncomfortable. The colors are warm and fuzzy as they convey the feelings you have trying to get a girlfriend.
Poster Breaking Grid
This poster breaks the grid as this composition is made up of two different grids. The shapes are and gradients are mimicking a lava lamp as the shapes inside it are organic and warm. These feelings from a lava lamp describe what it's like to try to get a girlfriend.

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