This was a project for my Objects and Spaces class. We were tasked to create a way-finding system for the first floor of  Champlain College's Center for Communications & Creative Media. Our class was put into several groups to come up with solutions. At the end of this project, I learned how to effectively communicate and collaborate with a team alongside understanding how systems thinking works and what it's like to design in a predetermined space.  
Main and Small Directory 
The main directory we created is simple and to understand with bold lettering and easy to see colors. Our group chose Avenir since it was a part of Champlain College's brand and a new typeface, Archer, to complement it. The directory is Mycelium, a sturdy and environmentally friendly material that the signage would be made of to represent Champlain colleges sustainability.   
Directional Arrows 
These arrows would help direct people to the various locations they are looking for on the first floor of CCM. The signs are colorful and rounded to make them more welcoming for students or people visiting Champlain College for the first time.
Small Signage 
These are smaller signs be next to areas such as stairs, restrooms, and elevators.
Large Signage 
These signs would be for larger attractions and areas in CCM.
These are the set of Icons that would be used on the first floor. The icons are nice and rounded so they feel friendly and welcoming. These icons are an abstract representation of the points of interest on the floor. The colors used here are Champlain College branded colors. Champlain's green is used for floor access, their blue for main attractions, and the CCM pink for the bathrooms.
Mockups of where the signs would exist in the space.

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